Ibrahim Mohammad Mohammad Al-Jaberi
[Auction Lot: 03/Super Natural]
Lot Size: 50.00 KG - 110.00 LBS
Cup Score: 90
Sheba Code: HY/20/22
Single Producer
Fermentation Code: S
Region: Al Hayma
Village: Al-Mahjar
Altitude: 2250 mas
Cultivar: Udaini
Drying Days: 25- 30 days
Flavour Profile
Passion-fruit, orange, raspberry
Raspberry, chocolate and honey in the fragrance. A juicy and sweet coffee with excellent balance and structured effervescent acids. Notes of orange, molasses and mango meld with hints of black fruit, milk chocolate and spice. The mouth- feel becomes buttery and honeyed by the finish. The coffee is well structured and remains complex, sweet and uniform.
Traceability Information
Situated at 2200 meters above sea level in the renowned village of Al-Mahjar, Al- Hayma District, Ibrahim Mohammad Mohammad Al-Jaberi’s farm may not have the biggest yield, however, what he misses in quantity he makes up for in quality.
At the age of 38, Ibrahim is the sole person responsible for tending his precious crop. Previously, Ibrahim had been assisted in the cultivation of his coffee with the help of his father, Mohammad. Unfortunately, Mohammad is no longer able to help on the farm due to poor health, however, Ibrahim still calls upon his father’s years of wisdom regarding planting trees and harvesting his crop. They remain a potent partnership.