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Mohsen Ali Abdo Zaid

Auction Lot 2
Sheba Code: AN-35
Cupping Score: 91.25
Single Farmer Lot
Cupping Notes/Profile: Violets, Rhubarb, Dark Chocolate, Blueberries. This coffee has a big, smooth body with a lingering finish. The acidity is complex, sustaining the cup quality. A very well balanced cup.
Lot Size: 253 lbs / 115 kg
Region: Anis
Village: Kuraba
Altitude: 2150 masl
Cultivar: Udaini
Drying Days: 2-3 weeks
Drying Process: Natural

Mohsen retired from Yemenia Airways in early 2000 and returned to his village to cultivate his land of 110 libna* inherited from his father. Today, while supporting a family of 7, he considers it the duty of each Yemeni farmer to care for every single red cherry in order to present to the world only the very best of Yemen's coffee.
*One Libna is a unit of measure for areas within Yemen. On average a Libna is 44m2 (read more).
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